The Foundations of a Good Bite

Occlusion, or how well your teeth fit together when you bite, is a critical and foundational aspect of proper oral health. A proper occlusion occurs when the teeth, jaw, and joints are in alignment and functioning harmoniously. If even one of these areas is off, such as the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), it can adversely affect how well the mouth functions as a whole. When this joint is injured, damaged, or overworked from teeth grinding and clenching, it can lead to TMJ disorder. Jaw pain or stiffness, joint cracking or locking, chronic headaches, or jaw muscle spasms are all symptoms of TMJ disorder, and are often so debilitating that they can hinder simple activities like yawning, chewing, or speaking. Dr. Carl Medgaus is trained from the prestigious Dawson Academy and understands the relationship between the joints and the function and health of the mouth. This knowledge assists him in providing optimal care that improves all aspects of your smile, from occlusion to aesthetics. Through our conservative, non-surgical TMJ treatment methods, you can achieve long-term function of your whole smile—build off a healthy foundation.

Building a Healthy Foundation with TMJ Therapy

Aesthetic improvements to the smile, such as with porcelain veneers, rely on the foundational health of the mouth to last long-term. Dr. Medgaus understands this connection between the bite, joints, and success of cosmetic dentistry services. If you have jaw pain or other symptoms of TMJ disorder, we will evaluate your mouth to determine the cause of your pain. This knowledge of the root cause of your pain helps us create the most accurate and effective TMJ treatment plan, which may include a custom mouthguard or Invisalign® orthodontics.

Benefits of TMJ Treatment

✓ Alleviate Jaw Pain

✓ Protect Joints and Teeth

✓ Eliminate Ringing in Ears

✓ Bite and Chew Comfortably

✓ Improve Oral and Overall Health

Our TMJ Treatment Options

Mouthguards as TMJ treatment are designed to protect the teeth, while providing an even surface for the jaw to rest. This slight repositioning of the jaw helps relieve discomfort from grinding and clenching, muscles spasms, and other symptoms of TMJ disorder. Invisalign, a relatively new TMJ treatment for relieving TMJ symptoms, adjusts and aligns teeth over time to create proper occlusion and a more harmonious bite. With the foundational health of your smile restored, all functional aspects will work correctly and will be able to support more aesthetic improvements like veneers or dental crowns!

I need relief from my chronic jaw pain!