Why do some implants fail?
Can Dental Implants Really Fail?
Dental implants are one of the most permanent and health-benefiting tooth restoration solutions in dentistry today. Unfortunately, dental implants are not immune to problems and are at a greater risk of failing when influenced by certain factors such as systemic diseases, poor oral hygiene, tobacco use and smoking, and bruxism. This failing, known as peri-implantitis, is characterized by inflammation of the gums and loss of bone around the dental implant post. A progressive condition, peri-implantitis can eventually results in completely failing dental implants and substantial jaw bone loss. At the first sign of peri-implantitis, tender or bleeding gums around the implant site, seek care at our office!
Choose Our Implant Dentist for Treatment
Dr. Carl Medgaus is an experienced dentist, with over 35 years of cosmetic and restorative expertise. He has been placing and restoring dental implants for decades, a longevity that sets him apart as one of the leading dental implant specialists in his area. Dr. Medgaus is extensively trained in comprehensive implant care from the Pikos Institute and Misch Implant Institute, prestigious organizations that provide continuing education in dental implants, surgical procedures, and treatment of complications like peri-implantitis. While the over 5,000 dental implants Dr. Medgaus has placed have retained a 99.3 percent success rate, he welcomes new patients with peri-implantitis for specialized care. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, we treat your failing dental implants with modern, minimally-invasive surgical techniques.
Symptoms of peri-implantitis can include:
✓ Red, inflamed gum tissue
✓ Deep pockets around dental implants
✓ Bleeding, tender gums
✓ Presence of pus
✓ Exposure of implant post
✓ Bone loss at the site
✓ Loosening of the implant
✓ Gum recession

Treating Failing Dental Implants
The beginning stage of failing dental implants, peri-implant mucositis, can be treated with conservative elimination of bacteria buildup at the site. For the more advanced stage of peri-implantitis, we perform more complex surgical treatment in order to save the dental implant. This treatment involves a thorough cleaning and sanitation of the area under them gum line, along with removal of any inflamed or diseased gum tissue. If bone loss has occurred around the implant, bone grafting can restore stability to the dental implant post. Post-surgical care may require more frequent maintenance visits to ensure the condition does not return or worsen. Along with educating you on the treatment process, we will also provide insight into why these symptoms might be occurring so that measures can be taken to help ensure that the condition does not return in the future!