What Is Sleep Apnea?
Sleep apnea refers to the disruption of breathing during sleep, and is often accompanied with heavy snoring, cessations in breathing, and daytime fatigue. Interruptions to breathing greater than 10 seconds can cause the oxygen levels in the blood to significantly drop, affecting everything from the health of your heart to your risk for diabetes, depressions, and strokes. Treating sleep apnea is critical to your health and function. Dr. Carl Medgaus is trained to detect the outward intraoral signs common with sleep apnea patients, such as fatigue, snoring, bruxism, and a scalloped tongue. Once a sleep physician has properly diagnosed the condition, he provides custom mouthguards as treatment. If you suspect you might have sleep apnea, seeking treatment from Dr. Medgaus is crucial to ensuring good overall health. Symptoms of Sleep Apnea:
✓ Heavy snoring
✓ Wake gasping for breath
✓ Excessive daytime sleepiness
✓ Chronic headaches
✓ Mood swings
✓ Depression
Personalized Sleep Apnea Care
A diagnosis of sleep apnea means that air transferred when you breathe during sleep is being temporarily, but repeatedly blocked. This is often due to the relaxation of muscles in the throat and tongue, which can fall back when the lower jaw slackens during sleep and block the upper airway. Dr. Medgaus uses custom mouthguards to treat sleep apnea, which keep the lower jaw in a more forward position so that the airway remains unobstructed. Mouthguard therapy helps reduce or eliminate snoring and promotes a better night’s sleep by allowing you to breathe normally, without any interruptions! Since sleep is such a vital part of how people function during the day, receiving deep and restful sleep can dramatically improve your mood, energy levels, alertness, and overall quality of life! Benefits of Sleep Apnea Treatment:
✓ Deeper, More Restful Sleep
✓ Reduced or Eliminated Snoring
✓ Increased Level of Energy
✓ More Alert and Active
✓ Increase of Metabolism