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I am a former patient of Dr.Medgaus.
Maybe 1O or 15 years or so ago my wife and I emailed Dr.Medgaus with an urgent request. I was living in Pittsburgh' but was traveling out of state (NC) at the time and had urgently broken my right, front incisor. I sent cell phone pictures and we flew in just to see him. lt was Memorial day I think. He drove to the office on a motorcycle away from a family BBQ for the procedure and threatened to extract my tooth without anesthesia if I didn't show up. I did. He helped me. lt went well.
Over the subsequent 10 or 15+ years, l've lived in more than 5 cities and had perhaps 7 or more dentists. I've talked to each about my veneers and my concerns related to cosmetics, wear and tear and maintenance. Every single one, without exception, has asked where I got them and said they were the best they had ever seen. Not just good but the best. Every time. Maybe that's a thing people just say but I didn't think so . These ranged from as far as 'Boston to Chicago to San Jose, so it's a reasonable sampling.
Anyhow, l,m extremely grateful for the teeth Dr.Medgaus gave me. Rather than be worried, conscious of or ashamed, as I know some of my friends have been in their cosmetic runs, I've been extremely confident in my set. I can't fully express how much of an advantage this has given me.
Nowadays, I look in the mirror and see their mild aging. I know they'll still be good for another decade but l'd like to discuss a refresh or similar before Dr.Medgaus decides to leave the field directly, if possible.
lf there's a chance to talk to your office, and see what options are available, please let me know, on whatever timescale. l'll need to fly in, but l'll make the time. Even if there isn't the opportunity to work together again directly, please extend my thanks to Dr.Medgaus and his team. It's a long time later, but their craftsmanship has stood the test of time, has made my life as a whole a bit better.